Monday, January 2, 2012


Greetings dear ones. It seems only fitting that I start the new year with a new blog. This blog will focus on my writing, reading, and other things relating to Jane Austen and the Georgian period in England, specifically focusing on the late 18th and early 19th centuries. There are already many wonderful blogs covering these topics, so I will try to only post information that is fresh, or related to my own impressions or experience.

I am working on two novels--one, a regency time travel story that asks questions about the nature of human relationships, especially of those created and maintained online. My other is a Pride and Prejudice variation. I'll reveal more about that as it becomes appropriate. As far as I can tell now, it will be A Topic Entirely New. I also need to mention my participation in The Austen Games. Approximately two years ago, I found myself searching almost entirely in vain, for a way to immerse myself in an Austen experience online. Recently, a group of lovely people saw a need to be filled, and started The Austen Games, and I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in it. My story will be posted soon (eep!) so be sure to watch for it here.

If you've followed my mixed media art and jewelry-making in the past, please note that I have put that on hold for now to pursue my writing. I'll post any new mixed media or jewelry creations on my related Facebook page.

Be sure to follow this blog and to follow me on Twitter, using the links to the right, to keep up to date, and follow my Jane Austen/Regency Board on Pinterest. (What? You haven't heard of Pinterest? Oh my... if you are a visual being, I highly suggest signing up. It nourishes my artistic soul. If you need an invitation, just let me know in the comments.) Here is a little preview of what it looks like:

Happy New Year!

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